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The Cases of
David K. Sale

“Every school day a group of kids are pouring over the evidence and testimony surrounding the murder conviction of Wayne Grimes in Grundy County.

What they have discovered mirrors what we discovered in a case with more questions than convictions.”

Dennis Ferrier, of Fox 17 Nashville, picked up the story and followed the events for over two years. Now it has taken a turn, winding up in a pre-law class at Tullahoma High School.

David K Sale Investigations From the Far Side

Adam Braseel spent 12 years in prison after being wrongfully convicted in 2006 for murder in connection with the brutal beating death of Malcolm Burrows in Grundy County, Tennessee. Despite a lack of physical evidence tying him to the crime, Braseel was found guilty based on questionable eyewitness testimony. He maintained his innocence throughout his incarceration. In 2022, after a years-long effort by Braseel’s legal team to overturn his conviction, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee granted him a full exoneration, finally clearing his name after more than a decade of wrongful imprisonment.

Adam Braseel David K Sale

How to Break Someone out of Prison

One thing I have learned over the many years doing this, is for the cases where there is no DNA to be tested, getting someone out of prison who is innocent, takes a plan. That most times filing appeals to the same courts they were convicted in, is a waste of money. You are dealing with politicians. In England, judges and prosecutors are appointed. In America, district attorneys and circuit judges are by and large elected. To speak to their bosses, you need to speak to the people. Convincing them is key. One needs to tell a story of innocence that anyone can easily understand.


Adam Braseel David K Sale

Who is Dave K. Sale?

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